Hi, I’m Heather Quill!

I’m the beauty and brains behind Homestyle with HQ.

Ever since I was little, I’ve always had a knack for organizing, home decor and DIY projects. Between rearranging my bedroom with the latest home trends, to seeing the potential in a clean slate, I’ve always loved helping others see that same potential.

That’s where I started this blog as a creative outlet to share all things home decor, DIY projects and the best ways to simplify your life and home.

Between two cancer battles, two job losses, a business start up, infertility and a complete transformation to our 1950’s rancher, my husband and I are constantly running around trying to keep up with this beautiful thing called ‘life!’

But, I do have to say that we’ve done it all and continue to do it with GRACE!

When I’m not being creative or writing blogs, you can find me running my online business, HQ Virtual Solutions, or being a work-at-home-mom to a busy little boy!

5 Facts About Heather

  • I love to organize. I don’t get overwhelmed by huge messes — in fact, they actually motivate me to keep moving!

  • I take my coffee black. I’ve become so accustomed to it, that I can’t drink coffee any other way anymore.

  • I have a huge weakness for true crime shows. To me, they’re fascinating and I could spend hours binge-watching them.

  • I have an eye for interior design. I can look at a room and envision what it will look like before I buy a single item.

  • I’m an extremely intellectual person — always curious and learning. My mom would call me the “question queen” growing up and my husband says I’m a sponge.




We met in Communication Theory class on the first day of junior year. We both sat next to a mutual friend and quickly realized we were nearby neighbors on campus and the rest was history…

Tyler and I met in College.



Tyler proposed Christmas Eve on 2013 — 6 months after graduating college! …5 days later, we adopted our pug named LouLou. She was our very first baby! (And is also the queen of our house!)

We got engaged and adopted our Pug, LouLou.


After almost 3 years of waiting, we had a beautiful celebration in Baltimore with friends and family celebrating our long-awaited wedding day! The honeymoon was a 10-day Disney excursion!

Tyler and I got Married.


5 days before our 1 year wedding anniversary, Tyler was rushed the emergency room with a bad case of pneumonia. The culprit? A tumor in his right lung that was cutting off his airway, which was later diagnosed as lymphoma.

Tyler was diagnosed with Stage III Non-HoDGKIN’s LyMPHOMA.




Yep, we bought a house in July of 2018. Through the excitement of move-in day, Tyler still made sure he kept up with his doctor appointments and was later diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Completely separate cancer then his previous diagnosis!) Don’t worry, Tyler battled it once again!



Through all of the house projects and cancer battles, I lost my 9-5 job and launched HQ Virtual Solutions — which, ended up being a HUGE blessing in disguise. I’m much happier, work from home with my son every day AND get to share my true passions with others. Everything happens for a reason!

Heather Lost her job and started This blog and her online business.


After all of the cancer battles and infertility struggles, we didn’t even know if it was possible to get pregnant. After undergoing just one IUI treatment, Heather found out she was pregnant in March of 2022 and Parker was born in November! … A day we will ALWAYS remember!

WE welcomed our son, Parker, to the world.

For a more in depth look… Follow me On Instagram!